
A Few Weeekends Ago

3 (or so) weeks ago I hiked the "Y" for the first time in my Provo career with Stuart, his cousin Emma, and my awesome in-laws. By "hiked" I mean, complained 1/3 of the way up asking why on earth I was dragged into this. I figured that since I work out everyday and run on the treadmill it would be no big deal.... I SO underestimated the difficulty. Abby and Emma power-walked away and Stuart and Scott stayed behind moving slightly slower with me. After we got down (I was much more talkative on the decline since I could walk AND talk) I'm pretty sure I swore off ever doing it again... then I woke up the next morning and was so sore and it felt so good that I wanted to do it again! I'm strange I know. Here are some pics.

She looks much happier than I do.

Thrilled to be on the way down.


Ben N Nessa said...

Haha :) I've only done that once...and never again.

jenna said...

you are so brave, courageous & my hero.

Lisa Marie said...

Oh, I miss the Y. I used to hike it a couple times a week. One day I did it twice in a row. I wish we had something like that in AZ. Maybe we do and I just don't know about it yet...

Ana Lee said...

Seriously, it is hard huh! haha, I was the same way the first time I did it. I hiked it twice that week.

Becky said...

yep! you sound just like me. i complained the entire way up (inbetween breathing, of course) and even all the way down. haha ill never do it again. great job!

Brett and Rachel said...

I'm laughing that it's almost June and you all still have to be in pants and long sleeves! Although I'm sure if I was in UT I'd still be in my snow coat. :)

Tell Scott congrats for me! Super exciting. I can't believe both your bros ended up going to Brazil. Very fun!!

Alisha said...

How fun! You are so cute Morg. I know what you mean about that awesome feeling after a good workout!

Steph said...

I miss you. Enough said. And I made our blog private so I need your email address (obviously not ffgcorporate! haha) so you can view it! Email me at marcum.stephanie@gmail.com

The Petersons said...

I love this...I have yet to climb the Y, all of the way that is, haha! Brian and I hiked up a little to watch fireworks one year. When I'm back it will be on the list! Hope all is well!