So, Stuart and I are moving to San Diego in 18 days for law school. That's right, there IS a countdown. We decided that to make things easier we were going to start packing now because we didn't want it to feel so hectic in that last week or so. (I hate packing and get really on edge when I am loading up my life so I think that when Stuart made the "pack early" suggestion yesterday it was so that HE wouldn't feel so picked on in that last week or so, smart guy.) Well in the spirit of packing I decided to first get organized. (I have slight OCD) I opened a box in our storage area labeled "Holiday Decorations" to make sure that the contents did indeed match the outside and to see if we could fit anything else into it... but when I opened it, I actually screamed out loud. The FAKE pumpkins and gourds that I had purchased at Halloween had started to grow mold and as a result everything else in that "Holiday Decorations" box had started to grow mold as well. It was DISGUSTING and confusing... How did this happen? They were fake! Also, this has to be a fairly recent development because all of my decorations for the holidays following Halloween (except Christmas) are in there as well and those got added to the box months after the (now moldy) gourds. Ew. That's really all there is to say. I hate packing.
why did that delete? okay. weird.
good luck. i am pretty much the queen of packing so my only advice is, dejunking is a good thing, but don't take it too far. i find myself having to purchase things over and over and over again. causing myself a lot of agony and dineros.
Congrats on heading out to San Diego and getting away from the black hole that is Provo! Funny about the moldy gourds. I guess the packing can only get better from there, right?!
Ahh! yeah packing is such a pain yet I managed to move every year thus far! Let me know if you need any help :)
Yeah, good idea to start early! I do not like packing either and I put it off as long as I could. I ended up throwing a lot away and like your friend Jenna...I have already had to buy replacements! Hope it gets better though! I can't believe the fake gourds molded. So weird!
Mold? Sick, I hate that. Congratulations on law school and moving to SD though! If you need any help let me know :)
ew is right! Packing is no fun but you guys are going to have such a good time in San Diego! Congrats! I am jealous that you get to live in California weather!
EW! That sucks! But that's SO exciting you're moving to San Diego! I LOVE it there! IN fact I'm going there on Wed for work and then in August with my fam - can we meet up in August??
PS I am jealous that you are going to visit Ponder this weekend. You should've told me and I would have tried to come too!! LOVE YOU!!
ew, that is no fun. but i must say, im glad to have u closer. and yes, weekend getaways are a must. we'll have to meet in the middle, LA area.
Oh...yikes! Good luck with the move.
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