
New Year's Birthday

The New Year will always start with a birthday in our house. Happy Birthday Stuart! Monkey Bread started our day off followed by In-n-Out and then Steak and Potatoes. All of his favorite treats were made as well. We made Coconut Chex Mix, Hot Fudge Sauce over ice cream, and Rice Krispy Treats. All his favorites. Good thing my New Year's Resolutions don't start until the 7th after my birthday :) The night ended with his {tiny} sisters trying to take him down. He was obviously victorious, but had a few battle wounds. He's funny. Love him.



Andrea said...

i want your outfit. and your skin. and your hair. and your make up. whats new?

Kurt and Carli said...

Morgan, you look gorgeous as usual! And Happy Happy Birthday to Stu!

jenna said...

happy birthday stuuuuu!
i forget him and q are a day apart!!!!

could J look more like him?! oh my gosh hilarious!!!!
you do look stellar. i miss you. bad.

Ben N Nessa said...

Cuties...Happy New Year! :)