I LOVED them because I wasn't allowed to do anything to our apartment and it was stark white but in the San Diego humidity the paint never fully dried. I knew when we moved to AZ that I would have to re-do them and stripping the red paint off of this table was a full on nightmare but thanks (in large part) to my parents I figured it out and got it re-painted. Here is the finished product.

Love. Love. LOVE. If you can't really tell, the legs are a grey-blue. I'm so glad it is dry, I don't think I would have the energy to do it all over again!
This looks AMAZING!!! seriously your table and the picture looks like it should be in pottery barn..nice work!
you are AMAZING.
i'm flying you to utah to do mine.
now is this the house?! pictures pleaaaase!!!
i was with you wen you bought those candle sticks.
side note.
LOVE the do-over Morgan! It looks fantastic!
SO CUTE! LOVE IT! Let's go to lunch soon. PLEASE! Becky's in town! Want to meet us at Desert Ridge tomorrow?
Love it. How is this the same table. I love you.
perfect color. i can't wait to eat on it with your little family!
Looks UH-MA-ING!! Nice Job!!
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