-OBSESSED with climbing up everything (ie stairs, chairs, toys, shelves) but has not quite mastered the art of getting down. Gates are by both sets of stairs and he hollers for me to come help him sit down when he has decided he has had enough standing by the couch or by the shelves.
-says mama, dada, nighnigh (this actually means "no no"-odd), baboo (peak-a-boo), baba (bottle, water, ball-really sometimes I have to test out which one it might be), uh uh uh (uhoh-this one is hilarious)
-still doesn't care for his car-seat but we made it through a San Diego trip last week
-LOVES all fruits and veggies
-starting to give up his afternoon bottle
-loves swimming
-loves his blankies
-REALLY loves when daddy comes home
-wants our phones and computers-all the time
-new trick is that he throws his binkie at his bedroom door and jabbers for 20 minutes in his crib until you go up to cuddle him and give it back. I need to break him of this habit-like yesterday-but that would mean breaking him of the binkie which I am not ready to do. Until that point, we'll be going up at bedtime to give it back. Sorry Stu.

You sure do keep us on our toes!
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