It's been a while since I last updated (understatement) so here is the last month and half in quick picture update. And as I look through them, ALL are phone pics. Sad! Sidenote: this is our family journal... you'd think I would try harder to keep up with it.
We became OBSESSED with our cowboy boots and met Jack's new girlfriend, Nelly Neilsen. Such a cutie pie. |
Had a quiet Valentine's Day and a few weeks later we went to see WICKED. |
Learned to cook. Learned to milk a cow at the zoo. And learned to give glares and throw fantastic fits when we do not get our way. |
Got his first fat lip tumbling down some stairs at the park and face-planting in the sand at the bottom. I am so so grateful he did not bite through his lip. Learning to love coloring-not always on paper. I have learned to love my magic erasers. Planking-really there are no words for this. He started trying to figure out the best way to climb up on the couch and this is what he came up with. Imitating Daddy in EVERYTHING he does. |
There are no words for how much he loves Buzz Lightyear. He is MESMERIZED the second any of the Toy Story Movies come on. Also, had another round of Croup. I hate croup. And Asthma. With passion. |
We still love swings. And we graduated to a booster seat (only at dinner time-so much easier to stick him in the highchair for breakfast and lunch)!! |
Got to see friends after much much much too long of a space in between visits. Isn't Jude to die for? That smile is amazing. |
Learned that "BUBBLLEEEZZZZZZZZZ" are really fun. Had his first Oreo when he turned 18 months-and he took it apart to eat the cream!! Seriously, where did he pick that up? Neither of us (Stuart & I) do that! Love Nana & Papa's Desert Tortoises, George and Gracie. Keep getting cuter and cuter. |
Jackson is my little buddy and has definitely come into his personality lately. He is a parrot and mimics me all day long. My favorite words that he says right now are: please, buzz, again, bubbles, bath, shoes, boots and all of the animal sounds he makes when I ask him what a specific animal says. It's so cute.
We're off to Disneyland/San Diego on Wednesday for Stuart's Spring Break (can you believe he is graduating in May? I can't!) and I plan to take my "real" camera. Maybe I'll set the phone aside for a few minutes to actually take some good ones!
love the update!!! Jack is getting so big! Love those green pants and the pic of him planking!!! haha!
So many cute pics!! Love it!
Have fun in Disneyland! I'm curious to see how Jack will like it.
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