Grey's Anatomy starts tomorrow and I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight... I don't care if that sounds pathetic, I'm that excited!!! All I'm saying is, Derek and Meredith better get married this season or I'll scream! I'm sorta sick of her being "dark and twisty with mommy issues"...

I am so excited for Greys tommorrow too. Hopefully this season will be amazing...Go Meredith and Derek!
nothing to do with grey's but i'm SO excited you have a blog!! i loved looking at all your wedding pics! ahh i can't believe you are married. Still in provo?
Remember how once Trev and I broke up while we were dating.....and how u literally saved my pathetic life with Season 1 & 2 of Greys? I laid in bed for a week just watching it......Yes. You, and Grey's saved my life and future marriage.
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