Ok, so I'm getting yelled at for not posting very often, but I really feel like I have nothing to blog about recently!! However, here's a story for you. I was at work on Friday with the other 2 girls in my office (also twenty-something's) when in the middle of the day a woman (a late thirty-something) who works at one of our branch offices came in for a reimbursement check. She then informed us that she was having a "botox party" the next day and her reimbursement money was going towards the food and drinks for it, would we all like to come? I was immediately inside my own head: "Do I need botox?? I know I like to be tan in the summer time, but I put sunscreen on my face everyday! Do I look years older than I am??" I think that because all of us weren't really saying anything when she invited us she piped up and said, "you really should just come in and do a preventive session for your forehead wrinkles." WHAT??? So basically for this whole last weekend I have been freaking out that maybe I have wrinkles and that I am aging prematurely and wondering about which anti-wrinkle cream I should buy. I'm leaning towards Clinique's "Repairwear Intensive Night Cream." After all, it's an award winner apparently. I really didn't think I was going to have to worry about this just yet. Oh well, now I'm panicked.

hahaha I totally know girls our age the have had botox treatments! What!? Anyway, I think you'll be just fine. Just make sure you use a good skin care system and keep using your sunscreen! Sometimes I worry too, it's normal :)
Haha :)
BAHAHAHAHAHHA. Please. U know what I would say to that lady!?!?! U don't want to know...
Remember when I sold Botox one summer? I told people I was 30.
I wouldn't botox my face. I'd botox my butt.
HA HA HA Morgan you do NOT need Botox!! and Andrea you are crazy - botox your butt?! Remember the botox shirt andrea had? Oh that was classic...love you girls!
Haha, that's hilarious! I don't think you have anything to worry about. That lady was probably self conscious of her own leathery face.
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