
Just Like Everyone Else I'm Sure

We went to see the "Jacob Black Abs" movie... Oh, wait I'm sorry "New Moon"... this past week. But let's be honest, it screamed "Team Jacob".

Anyway, Stuart bought premiere tickets with some other nice husbands and they all surprised us with them and took us. It was a night of screaming girls and "Twilight" chanting, but it was a lot of fun! Even with Bella's awkward moments :)


Positive Petersons said...

ahh!! jealous i cannot wait to see it!! and i can't wait to see you!! :)

The Petersons said...

When will you be in Utah again!?? I want to see you when you are! I totally agree with you...Jacob= hot and Edward= not so much. Hmm...and as for Bella's awkward moments...yeah...weird!

J & J said...

what good husbands you all have! i seriously couldn't handle bella in this movie.

Brett and Rachel said...

Hehe! I went with a group of girls and we all felt like pedophiles oogling over Jake's hot bod. But seriously! Who could help it??!!

jenna said...

stuart is such a nice boy.

jennyandskyler said...

I love your posts, they always make me laugh! And yes Jacobs Abs were amazing, and I guess the rest of the movie too! I loved it! But that was so sweet of the husbands, I wish we could have seen you guys over Thanksgiving, but family calls! But hopefully we can see you guys over Christmas!

Jes said...

Fun! Morgan....that cup holder in your picture looks like it could possibly be holding a pepsi bottle? blue lid? What? Its ok to switch over from Edward to Jacob...but diet coke to pesi...please say it isnt so!