The scale is truly my nemesis.
*Considering throwing it away.
The first (of many I'm sure) stretch mark appeared on my hip.
*I'm praying that Palmer's cocoa butter helps. Any other remedies/ideas I will greatly appreciate.
My arms (apparently my circulation is awful) fall asleep halfway through drying my hair.
*This is just annoying. It already takes me a full 20 minutes for my mane of hair and now I have to take breaks?? What is that??
My belly button is no longer an "innie".
*Yes yes yes. I knew this would happen. But still.
My one saving grace is how much I love feeling him move around every few hours... Loving the "Butterfly" phase.
PS Also loving maxi dresses. Don't make fun.
This makes me nervous. I'm at 20 wks so that makes all these things only 3 weeks away! AHHHHH!!! Thanks for the warning!
I guess we can feel some consolation that all these things happen to everyone else too. And we get a great little present at the end of all of it to make us feel a little better!
You look great, btw.
Um there is NOTHING to make fun of! You're ADORABLE! I'm so excited for you!! You are such a beautiful pregnant woman!!
You are gorgeous.
awww!!! i think you should hide your scale until after the baby is born, then your weight will just be a surprise. that'd be exciting! love you!
You look beautiful! And drinking LOTS of water can help with stretch marks cause it makes you skin more elastic. But I have also heard that it's based on genetics, so a few stretch marks might be inevitable...
Good luck over the next few months!
SO MUCH optimism in this post. and that's not sarcastic. way to look at the bright side.
and, you look wonderful. glowing.
You look SOOOOO cute! I love maxi dresses too! So, comfortable! Brian makes fun of me....he calls them gowns and I have to keep telling him that other girls wear them too! I have a couple things I can recommend for stretch marks! They have helped me a TON! None yet...a few broken blood vessels...but no other stretch marks yet. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll make it without. Like the other girl said I hear that drinking tons of water is great too and fish oil pills! The two things I use on my belly are Mustela Stretch Mark Double Action ( ) and Clarins "Tonic" Body Treatment Oil ( )
I use one in the morning and one at night and I love them! Have you thought of any names yet?
you look beautiful!--throw the scale away!--I don't own one, never have, never will...But, I think you look gorgeous. As far as stretch marks go, don't worry, we ALL get them! And, if someone tells you they didn't get any they're probably lying.
Oh sweet little mommy, the babies are hard on our bodies and me no likey. My baby is 18 and I still hate the scales! I just bought the cutest t-shirt for little Jack today and it has a shark on it! I got another cute onsie and I decided I can't go into Gap Kids without walking out with a blue something! I hope your week is better, but I think you are perfect and the baby will make it all worth it, but that doesn't really help in the now of things... love you! Abby
totally agree with your friend steph. stretch marks are, unfortunately, part of the plan. but they DO go away, so theres light at the end of the tunnel. you look adorable, as usual. lets catch up next week onces were all unpacked.
I am the queen of stretch marks. Not much helped me. They do go away for the most part. You seriously look so good. And may I say that baby belly is so cute? I am so excited and in the end it will be worth it all and more, trust me.
FINALLY!!!! i've been waiting for a picture foreverrr!!! you're so cute.
umm, that was ashton, not sam woods. i don't know why his name is on my computer...i mean, i could guess. anyway, sorry! haha
Morg you look so beautiful! I think you should wear all the Maxi dresses your little heart desires, I wear them and I'm not pregnant so I have no excuse other than I just simply like them.
Awesome! I miss all of those things...even the poor circulation...because they all are signs of something wonderful! So excited for week 40, for you! Soon those butterflies will be jabs and punches from your little boxer! :)
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