
November 17th Is A BIG Day In Our Relationship

2 Years ago today Stuart and I started dating and 1 year ago today is the day Stuart proposed to me, so... here's a tribute :)

This is Stuart's favorite because you can see the gum in my mouth, I know, attractive!

He had his sister Kate and cousin Brit light hundreds of candles in his apartment along with setting 8 dozen roses in several vases. It was gorgeous and of course I cried my eyes out.


Ana Lee said...

Wow that is so beautiful! What a special date to remember :) Congratulations!

Becky said...

that is BEAUTIFUL! way to go stuart!

r+s+a laney said...

Hey! How are you guys? Did you go home for the break? I noticed your ring and I'm pretty positive we have the same. Did you get it at Wilson's? hahahaha.