My parents and brother came to SD for the 4th of July... but unfortunately I did not get a lot of pictures (and my mom still has a bunch that I need to steal)! We had fun playing "tourist" and going to the beach and having bbq's. It was so relaxing and I loved having them all here.

The bottom picture is of Stuart and Blake attempting to catch a squirrel that they had lured close to them with a trail of Chex Mix. I cannot make these things up. They almost had him too, although I'm not sure what they would have done with it...

This is my dad's best friend from FOREVER. They wouldn't look at me but I made sure to capture a picture of them at the grill. Stuart and Blake don't like to take normal pictures. Annoying.

And here I am at 29 weeks. My brother thought he could stick his stomach out farther than mine but he was very much mistaken. I'm showing this to his children.
I promise that my mom was here. We have so many good ones of all of us in Old Town and at Mormon Batallion... just on her camera :)
you are SO cute!! Hurry up and get here already!! love you!!
ooh you are so cute! I love that you can wear adorable jeans and sweater! It is soooo hot here I don't even want to leave the house!
You have to be the cutest pregnant lady ever! I want to see you!!
I have to agree that you are the cutest pregnant lady ever. I can only wish.
It was so fun to run into you!! I wish we could have gotten together again, but since you're headed here soon I'm sure we'll get so see alot more of each other anyway. Can't wait!!
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