I really have no words. The boy no longer has any room and is constantly pushing on all sides of my stomach. On the 12th I had my first appointment here in AZ and his estimated weight was 6lbs 11oz after all the ultrasound measurements... with 5 weeks left. We're hoping fat, happy, healthy :)

P.S. I am happy I promise... just tired... and I did not want to go out and take another picture.
Also, thoughts on whether or not I will regret not doing maternity pictures? Please give me honest answers since I'm getting down to the wire and should probably book someone NOW...
You being the cutest pregnant lady ever, may want to get pictures. Me, I never see any need. I don't care for pictures of me large as life itself. I am so excited for you.
I think u look adorable. promise. I would tell you if u didn't haha. I'm anti-maternity photos. That's just me. I'm not the "pregnancy is beautiful" type. Save your $ for pics of the babe!
I think you look BEAUTIFUL. Thanks again for the birthday gift and for coming over to drop it off! I LOVED seeing you and I LOVE YOU. I can't wait for your shower! I will be there with bells on. SO excited!
I definitely think you should do maternity pics!! Not the ultra cheesy kind, just the beautiful sweet kind. I love mine and I'm so glad I did them it is a fun memory (although I hate pregnancy) it’s really sweet looking back...Just my opinion :)
you look great! pictures are precious, but only if you avoid those bare belly kind. in a perfect world, pregnant women would refrain from taking pictures of their naked tummies with their hands making a little heart on top. oh, and wearing bikinis. Bleeeechhh.
you look great!!!
uhhhh i would probably never pay for maternity photos. i know i didn't mine!!!
I WOULD!!! I think you'll love to look at them and remember! I didn't and regret it!
You look wonderful!! Can't wait to see that baby!!
you are gorgeous! I love being pregnant and miss my belly when it's gone. I say, it's up to you. But, if you do take some pictures of your belly, do it this pregnancy because my second prego belly is not as cute as my first :)
I didn't get pictures with my first 2 pregnancies. I think I will with #3. But the first baby will probably be the cutest. You only stretch out more with the following pregnancies.
YOU are GORGEOUS!!! SO excited for you guys! I'm with Andrea, take pictures of yourself for your Maternity pics, and save the money for the baby pics...those are the ones you'll LOVE.
I've been thinking about you. Hope this last little bit goes by fast!!
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