We went to the Phoenix Zoo with the Fuller's today (and got Season Passes, woohoo!) and Jack really REALLY enjoyed himself. Like would throw-fits-when-he needed-to-go-back-in-the-stroller enjoyed himself. I am so happy that I brought my camera. You know, the good one that isn't my iPhone? I've been really dependent on the iPhone lately. For pretty much all picture taking and it. has. to. stop. I mean it's ok for the candid moments but when I actually use my DSLR I get so much more excited to look at them afterward. Plus it was a perfect cloudy day. I kinda can't wait til Christmas.
They are just too cute. |
The one picture I am in WAS taken with an iPhone. Stuart's. Blast. |
Wes was so excited about every animal it was so darling. And he knew most of the sounds they make. Impressive. |
1 comment:
You are always so good about taking pictures and keeping up on your blog. It inspires me to be better at it. I love that I still get to be caught up on your life even though we're states away. Merry Christmas Miss Morgan!
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