
Deming, New Mexico/Thanksgiving Catch Up

Stories are best told with pictures and videos-here are the highlights of our most recent visit to New Mexico for Stuart's side of the family-Keeler Family Reunion.

Heading out. Naptime in the car. Emily's cute outfit. Pretty New Mexico sunset. Football-of course! Sarah and Grant. Fishing in the pond.

Hay field. Shooting guns-I know. Driving with Papa. Sweatshirt twins. He loved walking the hall of the hotel back and forth between our room and Papa/Nana's room. On the tractor. He LOVES Tractors.

Playground at the Farm. With his "nanny" (Britt I will still hire you.) So tired after family olympics. Riding a horse for the first time. HE LOVED IT. Yummy drinks at Tacos Mirasol. Watching Sesame Street/Backyardigans on the iPad on the drive home.

The top video is a family olympics event. Each family had to wrestle a calf down and "brand" it (marker). Stuart and Ryan were laughing so hard as they tried to get it down. The other video is Jackson on the bumpy farm road. Every time we hit the driveway leading up to the farm he would start to do this and it was so funny.

It was a fast and furious trip but it was worth it all the same. So much fun and we can't wait to go back for the next reunion :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so fun!

Hey I will you send me your home address to my email!


Thanks girl!